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          The Ninth China CNC machine tool exhibition has come to a close, BYC Bo surplus bearing harvest full return

          Author: Release time:2016-04-22 Browse times:4884

          The Ninth China CNC machine tool exhibition has come to a close, BYC Bo surplus bearing harvest full return
          April 11-16 held in Shanghai, China CNC machine tool exhibition has come to an end, we BYC Bo Ying bearing in the exhibition harvest the desired results, and achieved some unexpected results. Our BYC Bo Ying bearing participants have returned home with a full harvest to the new work. And Shanghai, China CNC machine tool exhibition just we 2016 the exhibition publicity in a link, in June we BYC Boying bearing will also participate in exposition new hope that the majority of my friends can more attention and support.
          YRT turntable bearing


           The Ninth China CNC machine tool exhibition has come to a close, BYC Bo surplus bearing harvest full return
          April 11-16 held in Shanghai, China CNC machine tool exhibition has come to an end, we BYC Bo Ying bearing in the exhibition harvest the desired results, and achieved some unexpected results. Our BYC Bo Ying bearing participants have returned home with a full harvest to the new work. And Shanghai, China CNC machine tool exhibition just we 2016 the exhibition publicity in a link, in June we BYC Boying bearing will also participate in exposition new hope that the majority of my friends can more attention and support.
          YRT turntable bearing
